Janel Chapman, Chief Academic Officer

937-349-9000 ext. 1211

Email Teresa

Hunter Burnett, Gifted Coordinator

937-349-9000 ext. 1006

Email Hunter

Teaching & Learning

Chief Academic Officer

At Fairbanks Local Schools we strive to develop the habits and skills necessary for lifelong learning. We empower our learners, challenge them to be innovative, and provide relevant opportunities for them to practice the skills necessary for an ever-changing future. Fairbanks staff members embrace professional learning and collaboration. We are engaged in continued discussion of the following questions as part of our work to increase student achievement:

  • What do we want students to know, understand, and be able to do in each course or curricular area?

  • How do we best assess student learning and use data to personalize learning for each of our students.

  • How can the use of technology enhance our instruction in the classroom and assist with meeting each student's individual needs?

To continue aligning our work within the district, Fairbanks Local Schools, along with the state of Ohio, has adopted the Future Ready framework which is a strategic planning tool intended to guide schools as they shift toward blended and personalized learning.

Gifted Identification and Service

Elementary School (Kindergarten - 5th grade):

Students take the i-Ready Benchmark Assessment three times per school year.  Any student in grades 2-5 that scores at or above the 95th percentile in either Reading or Math is identified as Gifted in that subject area.  

Students in second and fourth grade are administered the InView which is a Superior Cognitive identifier.  This assessment is given in February.  The assessment is via the DRC Insight digital platform.

Teachers are also asked to recommend students for identification in Creative Thinking every year.  Parents and teachers can always request an assessment for gifted identification.  

All students at the elementary level are served through a schoolwide culture of enrichment which includes differentiation for all students.  Teachers are committed to growing their understanding of gifted learners and complete professional development each year as determined by the district.  Students identified as gifted in math and/or reading receive instruction from their classroom teacher to further develop and enrich their understanding of grade level standards.  

3rd, 4th and 5th Grade

Pullout service for cognitively gifted students: Students with a superior cognitive gifted identification participate in this class facilitated by the Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS).  Participation will expand critical thinking and reasoning abilities and support social-emotional growth.  Students will receive a Written Education Plan (WEP).  

Middle School (6th-8th)

Middle school students are given i-Ready and MAP benchmark assessments three times a year.  Any student that scores at or above the 95th percentile in either Reading or Math is identified as Gifted in that subject area.  

Math and Reading Support:  Students identified in reading and math will receive support from their classroom teacher who will complete professional development each year as determined by the district.  Teachers and students will receive support from a Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) in the regular education classroom.  

Accelerated Math 6-8:  Students may be recommended for placement into the accelerated math courses which will compact the mathematics curriculum through rigorous pacing.  This placement will allow students to take Algebra I during their 8th grade year.  

High School (9-12)

There are a variety of formats for service at the high school level.  Students and families self-select from a variety of course options to best fit the student’s skills, interests, and short-term or long-term goals.  These courses include Honors, Advanced Placement (AP) and College Credit Plus (CCP).  Students are encouraged to consult with their school counselor or GIS for additional information and recommendations. 

Additional Information

Any student who qualifies for gifted services can refuse or withdraw from the program.  Parents would need to provide written notice to the building principal or gifted coordinator. You can refuse gifted services by not signing the WEP that is sent home, informing the building principal or informing the gifted coordinator.

Any family with a student transferring to Fairbanks from another school with a gifted identification will need to provide documentation of the qualification including assessment scores which qualified the student.  

A parent can request assessment for gifted qualification in writing at any time.  Any disagreement regarding qualification or services should be brought to the attention of the building principal.  


GIS - Gifted Intervention Specialist

Regular Classroom Cluster Grouping - Instruction within the regular classroom and differentiation from classroom teacher. No formal pull-out instruction from GIS.

Resource/Pull-out Room for Gifted Students led by GIS - Traditional pull-out setting with the gifted intervention specialist for extensions and additional instruction outside of the general education classroom.

ELA - English Language Arts

Student Work Portfolios - The student’s grades earned, experiences in the classroom, papers, tests…etc.

WEP - Written Education Plan